SSD Facilities | Security Guard Services CompanySSD Facilities | Security Guard Services CompanySSD Facilities | Security Guard Services Company
(Mon - Friday)
London England SE8 4RX
SSD Facilities | Security Guard Services CompanySSD Facilities | Security Guard Services CompanySSD Facilities | Security Guard Services Company

Manned Security

We give the Best Manned Security Services

At SSD Facilities Ltd, we specialize in delivering top-notch security guarding services utilizing licensed and thoroughly screened security personnel who adhere to the BS7858 2019 Standards.

Our priority is to ensure the safety and protection of your property and personnel. With our trained and experienced staff, we guarantee exceptional value and provide comprehensive security services to safeguard individuals, properties, and assets.

Our security guards stationed at entry points are responsible for implementing access control measures.
To identify any indications of suspicious activity, breaches, or security weaknesses, our security guards carry out routine patrols of the premises.
They diligently observe CCTV systems, alarm systems, and other security equipment to ensure swift responses to security threats or incidents.
Crowd Management Emergency Response Theft And Loss Prevention Security Reports

In locations characterized by significant pedestrian traffic, such as events, retail spaces, or public gatherings, security guards play a crucial role in crowd management, maintaining order, and mitigating potential conflicts or disruptions. Their primary objective is to establish a safe and protected atmosphere for everyone in attendance.

Our trained security guards are equipped to promptly and efficiently handle emergency situations. They possess knowledge of evacuation protocols, first aid procedures, and fire safety protocols. In the event of incidents like fires, accidents, or medical emergencies, they offer immediate support and collaborate with appropriate authorities for a coordinated response.

The primary duty of security guards is to deter theft, vandalism, and unauthorized entry to secure zones. They perform regular inspections, enforce security protocols, and employ surveillance methods to discourage criminal behavior and mitigate potential damages or losses.

Security guards diligently maintain precise records of incidents, security breaches, and notable occurrences. They meticulously compile comprehensive reports that document security-related incidents, observations, and actions undertaken. These reports serve as valuable tools for evaluating existing security measures and implementing necessary enhancements.


Our Services

Ensuring Your Safety Around the Clock: Premier Solutions for Security Guards

Event Security

Event security services are specialized security solutions provided to ensure the safety, order, and smooth operation of various events, ranging from conferences and concerts to…


Cleaning services involve professional and thorough cleaning solutions provided for various settings, such as residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. Trained cleaning professionals use specialized equipment,…

Construction Security

Construction security services involve the implementation of security measures and protocols to safeguard construction sites and protect valuable assets, equipment, and materials. These services are…

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your organization’s needs. Please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information below or submit your request.

Our head office address:

13 Deptford Church Street London England SE8 4RX

Call for help:


Mail us for information

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    (Sat - Thursday)
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