SSD Facilities | Security Guard Services CompanySSD Facilities | Security Guard Services CompanySSD Facilities | Security Guard Services Company
(Mon - Friday)
London England SE8 4RX
SSD Facilities | Security Guard Services CompanySSD Facilities | Security Guard Services CompanySSD Facilities | Security Guard Services Company

Construction Security

We give the Best Construction Security Services

SSD Facilities offers comprehensive security solutions for construction sites, regardless of their size. We employ cutting-edge remote technology combined with the expertise of professional manned security officers to ensure maximum protection. Our security officers possess CSCS qualifications and are well-versed in meeting your health and safety requirements. With their extensive experience in working at construction sites, you can rely on their expertise.

Construction site security services play a crucial role in safeguarding valuable equipment, materials, and infrastructure throughout the construction process. These services are specifically designed to minimize risks, prevent theft, vandalism, and unauthorized access, while prioritizing the safety of workers and the construction site itself. 

By choosing SSD Facilities for your construction site security needs, you can be confident in receiving a comprehensive and customized security solution that addresses the unique challenges of your construction site while ensuring the safety and protection of your valuable assets and personnel.

At the construction site, security guards diligently enforce stringent access control measures.
To deter unauthorized entry, security guards establish a secure perimeter around the construction site.
Construction sites typically contain valuable equipment, machinery, and materials.

By choosing SSD Facilities for your construction site security needs, you can be confident in receiving a comprehensive and customized security solution that addresses the unique challenges of your construction site while ensuring the safety and protection of your valuable assets and personnel.

Risk Mitigation Theft and Vandalism Prevention Unauthorized Access Prevention Worker Safety

Our security measures are tailored to identify and mitigate potential risks that construction sites may face. By conducting thorough risk assessments, we proactively address vulnerabilities and implement preventive measures.

We employ various strategies to prevent theft and vandalism, including regular patrols, surveillance systems, access control measures, and perimeter security. Our vigilant security officers are trained to detect and respond swiftly to any suspicious activity.

Controlling access to the construction site is vital to ensure the safety and security of personnel and assets. Our security officers diligently enforce access control protocols, monitor entry points, and verify the identity of individuals entering the premises.

The well-being of workers is paramount, and our security officers are committed to maintaining a safe environment. They are knowledgeable about health and safety regulations, promote compliance, and provide assistance during emergencies or incidents.


Our Services

Ensuring Your Safety Around the Clock: Premier Solutions for Security Guards

Event Security

Event security services are specialized security solutions provided to ensure the safety, order, and smooth operation of various events, ranging from conferences and concerts to…


Cleaning services involve professional and thorough cleaning solutions provided for various settings, such as residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. Trained cleaning professionals use specialized equipment,…

Manned Security

Manned guarding services involve the deployment of trained security personnel to physically protect and secure a specific location, such as a building, facility, or event.…

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your organization’s needs. Please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information below or submit your request.

Our head office address:

13 Deptford Church Street London England SE8 4RX

Call for help:


Mail us for information

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    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)